Posts Tagged ‘Workflow’

Testing on devices locally using mamp

October 25th, 2013 0

Here is a little tip I just picked up. You can test your responsive builds on actual devices using MAMP. This is new to me, and hopefully new to you!

To get this going all you need to do is install MAMP and start it up, I will not go into installing MAMP, because pretty much you just click a few things and you are up and running. My set up is just the regular MAMP, no need to go pro. From the Preferences menu select the Apache tab and point the document root towards your project.

Normally you would now just open a browser and go to localhost:8888 and be up and running with your project. But in order to get to this site from your device there is one extra step. You will need to find your IP address, on a Mac just go to the networks panel in the OS System Pretences and it should be just under the status of your connection on the first screen. With that information in hand all you have do is navigate to (where the ip matches your own) on your devices and that is it! You should be up and running.

Pulldown vs Bower, which is for you.

August 27th, 2013 0


Recently Jack Franklin of JavaScript Playground and Tom Ashworth created Pulldown and it is pretty sweet. Now there is no better information on Pulldown vs Bower than the information in the projects, I just wanted to quickly look at how you might start using one of the two today.

Both Bower and Pulldown are package managers. Meaning they allow you a quicker faster way of grabbing any dependencies you might need for a project. Rather then going to the jquery site and getting the source then coping and pasting it into a blank document and saving it from there. These two tools allow you to run simple commands and POOF, you have what you need.

Getting started with Grunt and Sass

July 4th, 2013 30

There are a lot of new tools out there to help speed up and streamline your workflow as a developer, and to be honest they can seem a bit daunting to get into. Two new tools I have started using this year were Grunt and Sass. Grunt is a commandline JavaScript Task Runner, and Sass is a Css preprocessor that lets you write more powerful css, with the use of variables, mixins/functions and nesting! Lets take a look at getting started using Grunt to compile our Sass.


June 18th, 2013 0

Not to long ago I was hearing about Zen Coding, and at the time I thought nothing of it. Why would I need a tool to help me write faster markup, HTML isn’t that hard…WRONG. I started to look into it again, and noticed that it had changed its name to Emmet, and it is amazing.

Why would you want to use such a tool? When you are building out sites and have to have tags that repeat over and over. Copy and paste seems fine, but it can sure get tedious. Enter Emmet.

Example markup, you would probably copy and paste all the li tags.


With Emmet you can write a small amount of syntax you can produce that same markup:

